Preventing Challenging Behaviors with Universal Supports: Essential Practices that Increase Student Engagement




Does any of this sound familiar??

You are struggling to teach because you are spending so much time managing student behavior. 

You are tired of trying random behavior strategies that seem to work for only a day or two.

Fellow educators frequently suggest more "tools for your toolbox" but you aren't sure why, how, or if you should even implement them.

You're unsure of what classroom management strategies are best practice and which ones are fluff.

You dream of being a confident teacher who knows exactly what to do in most situations, but you struggle to respond effectively to disruptive behaviors.

And for those in a position to consult or coach others:

You know something is amiss but aren't sure what classroom management strategies to recommend or how to coach and model implementation.

You aren't sure how to embed behavioral strategies effectively at the group level to set the stage for less problem behavior and more engagement. 

You want to feel confident in your recommendations at intervention team meetings - especially when it's a tier 1 issue to be addressed!

Why we created this course

As educators we know the struggles of managing student behaviors while simultaneously delivering quality instruction. The ever changing needs of our students require us to have expert knowledge and skill in classroom management, yet educator prep programs often don't properly prepare us to confidently do this. That's where we come in! We created this course to bring you practical and actionable knowledge of the core universal strategies that should be in place within every classroom to prevent disruptive behaviors and increase engagement.


Learn more about us
Amanda & Danielle

Frequently Asked Questions

Find your answers to commonly asked questions about the course below!

Still have questions? No problem! Contact us and we will answer your questions. 

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"Insufficient & ineffective classroom management puts us in a situation of feeling we must provide higher level, individualized supports to students."


"In reality, we need to implement high-quality universal supports because this significantly decreases the need for higher stress, more difficult, and unnecessary individualized interventions."

- Danielle & Amanda 

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  • Actionable information you can implement tomorrow!
  • Lifetime access to the course
  • 22 On-demand video lessons 
  • 40+ Downloadable resources 
  • 5.5 CEUs through the BACB
Save $52

Three-Monthly Payments


Total Price $249

  • Actionable information you can implement tomorrow!
  • Lifetime access to the course
  • 22 On-demand video lessons
  • 40+ Downloadable resources
  • 5.5 CEUs through the BACB
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We've taught this course in live workshops across the country! Here's a few testimonials from our participants. 

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"Applying this learning to my classroom has already helped myself as a teacher and my students move forward in their learning and my instruction!"

- Katrice H.
Kindergarten Teacher, RSU #87

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"This should be required training for new teachers and ed. techs. THANKS for your wonderful work and presentation!"

- MaryBeth P.
Pre-K Teacher, Hope Elementary School

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"This was great! I'd love to have our entire staff participate!"

- Kyle S.
Assistant Principal, Blue Hill Consolidated School

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"It is highly relevant, organized, and well-presented. Advice is given in a way that is actionable. The handouts were helpful. Thank you so much!"  

- Sara M.
Fourth Grade Teacher, RSU #87

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"The presentation was great!! The presenters were knowledgeable and the content was useable in my classroom tomorrow. I loved all the visuals in the slideshow and plan on sharing visuals for classroom rules, procedures, and expectations with my team and school."  

- Katie M.
Teacher, Brewer School Department

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"I was pleased to see that Danielle and Amanda gave us real strategies to support ALL students in the general education setting (Tier 1) and at the same time, respond to the needs of students who might need Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions as well." 

- Sharon P.
Director of Special Education, Acton School Department

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"I liked that you did not focus entirely on situations applicable to elementary but you mentioned situations for high school as well. I feel like most workshops are geared toward elementary and less applicable to high school students." 

- Samantha N.
High School Science Teacher, MSAD #42


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Fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly. 

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Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our programs and the educational value they provide. However there is no guarantee that you will achieve the intended results given the fact that every student, classroom, school, and situation is completely unique. You should not rely on any testimonial or transformative information we present as any kind of promise, guarantee, or expectation of any level of success. Your results will be completely determined by a number of factors over which we have no control, such as your own motivation, experience, level of effort, resources, school policy and programming expectations, as well as unique contributing factors related to student history, learning profile, environmental conditions, and more. Implementing anything without considering unique student need or potential outcome carries risks, and your use of any information contained on this website is at your own risk. Subject to our Refund Policy, we provide content without any express or implied warranties. By continuing to use our site and access our content, you agree that we are not responsible for any decision you may make regarding any information presented or as a result of purchasing any of our products or services.